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Fury Tri Team is so much more than just racing, and we are finding an even greater Reason2Race!!!

The Fury Tri Team started out as a way for a few young kids to have a support network at races, as well as to have friends to train with. It has grown into a team that is more of a family, and I am proud to say that it is an amazing family. All of our parents are supportive of each other's kids and have the desire to mold them into well-rounded children and young adults. We have found an excellent opportunity to let the kids expand their world beyond just the physical development we work on each week.

To enhance our athletes' triathlon and race (we do road running and other multisport races as well) experience, we are partnering with Reason2Race. We are incredibly excited to have this opportunity to allow the athletes (and their families) to choose a favorite charity that they care about and to help raise money for it. There are NO MINIMUMS, and you set your own goals, however we encourage everyone to "Dream Big!".

This is a voluntary aspect of our program that we hope will allow families to come together, find something they are passionate about and help make a difference! Reason2Race provides an extremely easy to use platform where you:

1. Register for your event/race.

2. Create your free Reason2Race donation page for your cause.

3. Share your story with friends and family.

In May, four of our athletes raised money through Reason2Race for Typhoon Texas Kids Tri, earning them podium acknowledgements for third (Kendall & Jacob Homs) and fifth place (Taylor & Caden Davis) overall fundraisers for the event. They raised over $1,400 for their causes total. If the event your athlete chooses is one of the Onurmark races, they can possibly earn even more money for the charity (& a trip to the podium) by being a top fundraiser through the Onurmark Giving Challenge.

We'd love to see many of our athletes (parents, you can join in and do a family page, or pick an event and create your own campaign) find a cause they'd like to help support and see how much help they can generate. Please contact us with any questions, and check out the Reason2Race page!!!

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